The Ultimate Childcare Checklist: questions you need to ask when choosing daycare
Nursery / daycare / creche, whatever you call it, it's where our kids spend a lot of their time. We were so incredibly fortunate to get O a place in a wonderful creche a 2 minute walk from our house. He loves it, so we love it. He is so settled there that it's now a major factor for us when we consider moving house or jobs in the future.
Finding a daycare spot for him was a bit of a nightmare, as all the facilities in our area are very oversubscribed. When I was about six months pregnant, I visited a few different daycares and put his name down on every possible waiting list. So when I got an email to say a spot would be available at my first choice creche when he was seven months old, I was delighted, but also angsted a lot over whether to send him so young. In hindsight, it's been a great experience! Starting him early meant that separation anxiety was never really an issue for us and he now has a second family that he loves (and they love him back!)
During the hunt, I was desperate for a childcare spot but also aware that I would be leaving my most precious possession at this place when he was so tiny and vulnerable, so I really wanted to be certain that I had covered all my bases. Here's the checklist I used:
Staff & Certification
Is the creche registered with the relevant accreditation and licensing bodies?
Are all the staff that will be interacting with your child qualified?
How long have the staff been working there? This is a good indicator of whether it's a nice place to be.
Does everyone who works in the facility have the appropriate clearance to work with/near children (in Ireland, this is Garda vetting)? This includes cleaners, catering staff etc.
Do all caregivers have the appropriate and up to date first aid training?
Are the appropriate staff:child ratios maintained at all times?
Do they have a staff room for breaks?
Are the staff smokers?
Do the staff have reasonable terms, conditions and benefits?
Does each baby have their own cot?
How do they settle children to sleep?
Do you have to provide bed linen or sleeping bag?
Who launders the bed linen? If they do, ask how frequently this is done.
Are children allowed a soft toy/soother?
Are older children able to nap if required?
What meals do they provide for each age group? Ask about snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner?
Is food prepared/reheated on site?
How often does the menu rotate?
How do they handle bottle preparation?
How do they manage allergies?
Do they follow a curriculum? If so, which one?
What kind of activities do they do in each room?
Are babies kept on their own routine or is there a strict schedule in the baby room?
What does the day to day routine look like (for the relevant age group)?
Do the children watch TV?
Is there an outdoor space?
How often do the kids get outdoors?
Do kids from different age groups mix?
Drop Off & Pick Up
What is the earliest/latest you can drop off/pick up? Is this flexible?
What is the late pick up policy?
Is there somewhere to store your buggy?
What is the policy regarding who can pick up the child? Do you need to call/email to confirm for safety?
Do they close for the holidays? Which holidays?
Do they provide nappies?
How often do they change nappies?
Do they have a child friendly toiler for bigger kids?
Do they have a separate staff toilet?
How do they discipline unwanted behaviour?
What is their immunisation policy?
What is their policy on fever/illness? Can children still attend with a fever?
Will they administer medications?
General questions
How long have they been established? Is it the same management?
What is the maximum number of children in each classroom?
Are children allowed to bring a special toy?
What are the cleaning policies? How often is the entire place deep cleaned?
Interaction with parents
Do they have an open door policy?
How do they communicate with parents?
Do they have an online child diary to allow you to track your child's schedule?
Do they film or photograph the children? Are these photos shared with other parents/via social media etc?
Do they offer settling in days?
Things to look for on your tour
How big are the classrooms?
How big is the sleeping area? Is it visible from the main classroom?
How big is the outdoor space? Is it safe and fenced?
How do they decide when the kids move up a class?
Is the nappy change area clean and safe?
Is there a food prep area? Is it clean and well kept? Is it safe for wobblers and toddlers?
Is there a child friendly toilet for bigger kids? Is it clean?
Do the kids look happy and relaxed?
Do the staff look happy and relaxed? Are they approachable?
Is there a good variety of toys and activities? Are they in good condition?
How big is the buggy storage area? Will you need to get a smaller/folding stroller?
Personal considerations
Were they responsive and welcoming to you visiting? Did they invite you to come back at another time?
Were they open to you seeing all the areas of the facility?
Did they encourage you to engage with the staff and children?
Will the pick up and drop off times fit with your commute?
Can you afford the fees?
What is your gut feeling?
With so many people competing for the few spaces available, finding a childcare place for babies and very young children can feel like you have won the lottery! Take care though, review the answers to each question on the checklist and ensure that it aligns with your parenting values. Remember, when you speak to a childcare provider, or view the premises, always trust your gut instinct about whether it's the right place for you and your child.